a blog about programming

WELCOME TO MY BLOG. Here I write about programming, primarily with Scala 3, but more generally about advanced statically-typed programming and related technical topics.

This is my outlet for essays on the influences, motivations and decisions which contributed towards my software projects, Soundness and Fury, and a place to share ideas.

Jon Pretty

Effective Error Handling

The first in a new series of blogposts introducing providing background understanding to the concept of error handling.

The Error Management Manifesto

A declaration of twelve principles for a programming environment that's conducive to safe, elegant and maintainable code.

Migrating to Safety

An initial exploration of Contingency, and its approach to handling errors in Scala, and how it enables us to to write code that is both elegant and safe.

The Mechanics of Mitigation

This is where we start writing some real-world code.