Jon Pretty,

Migrating to Safety

LAST TIME, I presented a draft manifesto for a programming framework that facilitates code which evolves from unsafe to safe; from prototype to production. But now, it is about time we started writing some code, to add some concrete flesh to the manifesto’s abstract bones.

Getting Started

Let’s start with a typical prototype of an application written with Soundness, which reads some JSON data from a file and processes it. In particular, we will be exploring Contingency’s facilities for error handling.

The Prototype

Our prototype will include some definitions. We will be working with a dataset about Persons, and we will use types from Quantitative to represent them:

type Bmi = This is a type representing a physical quantityQuantity[Kilograms[1] & Metres[-2]]case class Person    (name:   Text,     age:    Int,     height: Quantity[Metres[1]],     weight: Quantity[Kilograms[1]]):  def bmi: Bmi = weight/(height*height)

The computation will happen in the main method. Hover over the highlighted parts of the code to understand it better:

import soundness.*import This import is necessary to avoid compilation errorsstrategies.uncheckedErrors@maindef run(path: Text): Unit =  val json = This raises a ParseError if the content isn't valid JSONJson.parse(path.This raises a PathError if the filename isn't validdecode[Path].This raises an IoError if the file
does not exist at the pathas[File])  val data = Further errors are raised[List[Person]]  val mean =  This expression does not raise any errorsOut.println(t"The average BMI is $mean")

Even without knowing the details of the APIs of the various Soundness modules, this code should be easy to read.

Its run method, which is also the entrypoint to the program, as indicated by the @​main annotation:

  • reads a path string as input

  • accesses the file at this path

  • parses its content as JSON

  • reads the JSON as a list of Person instances

  • calculates the average BMI of all the Persons

  • prints out the result

There are several things that could go wrong here—errors—when running this code:

  • the path may be in the wrong format

  • there may be no file at the path

  • the contents of the file may not be valid JSON

  • the JSON in the file might not represent a list of Persons

  • the list might be empty, making it impossible to calculate an average

Whereas, printing the final result has nothing particular about it that might prevent it from working. Every line is still susceptible to global risks like running out of memory, but with respect to the the types of error we have any hope of addressing, this last line is safe.

Despite these potential errors, the code compiles and runs thanks only to the import of strategies​.​uncheckedErrors. This makes every error an unchecked error. It disables the compiler’s checks that would otherwise stop this code compiling.

If an error does occur, then it is thrown as an exception, and will propagate up the call stack until it is caught, or in this example, reaches the application’s main method. As this is the entrypoint to the application, it forces the JVM to exit, printing a stack trace on the way out.

This is inherently unsafe, but it is exactly what we need for a prototype, or a proof of concept. If we provide it with good input, then it will prove the concept; if we provide bad input, it will fail meekly, but the concept will be neither proven nor disproven.


We can achieve the same effect as strategies​.​uncheckedErrors by removing the import, and placing the body of run inside an unsafely block.

Compare the two variants by selecting ❶ or ❷:

import strategies.uncheckedErrors@maindef run(path: Text): Unit = unsafely:  val json = Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File])  val data =[List[Person]]  val mean =  Out.println(t"The average BMI is $mean")

The code remains unsafe, but is—at least—clearly labeled as such, and the label is now more specific about which code is unsafe and which is, by default, safe. This is an improvement to clarity.

We could go further and label just the two expressions which raise errors as unsafe:

@maindef run(path: Text): Unit = unsafely:  val json = unsafely(Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File]))  val data = unsafely([List[Person]])  val mean =  Out.println(t"The average BMI is $mean")

This does not materially affect the semantics of the program: every raisable error the compiler was aware of remains delimited within an unsafely block.


The unsafely method has a counterpart called safely which is, unremarkably, safer. Like unsafely, it can wrap an entire block, or individual expressions which raise errors.

However, it transforms every Result type into an Optional​[​Result​], that is, Result​ | ​Unset. This is a contravention of the principle of transparent composition, and can be seen by the extent of the necessary non-local changes, here:

@maindef run(path: Text): Unit = unsafely:  val json = safely(Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File]))  val data = safely(json.let([List[Person]]))  val mean = data.let(  Out.println(t"The average BMI is ${mean.or(t"error")}")

Specifically, we have had to adapt json​.​as​[​List​[​Person​]] into json​.​let​(_.​as​[​List​[​Person​]]), yet the manifesto requires that it be left unchanged.

One way of achieving this without writing too much code is to address each error as soon as it occurs.

Here’s the same code with explicit types, showing how direct-style can be restored provided the Unset value of the Optional returned from every safely block is eliminated immediately, using or:

@maindef run(path: Text): Unit =  val json: Optional[Json] =    safely(Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File])).or(System.exit(1))  val data: Optional[List[Person]] =    safely(json.let([List[Person]]).or(Nil)  val mean: Optional[Bmi] = data.let(  Out.println(t"The average BMI is ${mean.or(t"error")}")

For each safely block, we immediately provide an alternative. In the first case, we terminate the JVM. And in the second case we fall back to an empty list.

Failing Fast and Slow

This “solution” might raise some alarm bells! What happens when we try to calculate the average of zero items?

Unchecked and unguarded from this possibility, the calculation of mean (which is a Bmi instance with an underlying type of Double) is nevertheless total: the calculation will give a result of NaN (”not a number”) when dividing zero by zero. While NaN is indeed not a number, it is a valid value for the Bmi type.

Any subsequent operations involving a NaN value will only ever yield more NaN values. In some sense, NaN is a representation of erroneousness that is built in to the Double type. That may seem convenient because it means that operations on Doubles are total and the type is closed. But this approach allows erroneous state to persist long after it occurred, and we prefer to fail fast.


At the moment the error occurs, all inputs and state relevant to the failure remain available to help with its diagnosis. But the bit patterns of 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers that represent NaN values cannot convey enough information to be useful.

If we then allow the error to go undetected, through many subsequent operations, we can only speculate about which step in its long ancestry was the root cause. That could turn a quick fix into a forensic investigation.

We will revisit this in a later post, comparing Doubles to Ints and the other primitive integral types, which throw unchecked exceptions when attempting to divide by zero. They fail fast, but they also fail freely.

We want to do better than this. But for now, we shall circumvent any runtime error, and reluctantly accept it is safe enough for us to use NaN.

Recovery with mend

The use of safely allows us to specify an alternative value if an error occurs, but without reference to the error’s type or value.

The calculation of the json value raises ParseErrors, PathErrors and IoErrors, and we may wish to deal with each of these differently. Here is a simplistic example which disambiguates by type, and exits the JVM with a different status code in each case:

@maindef run(path: Text): Unit =  val json =    unsafelymend:      case error: ParseError => ExitStatus.Fail(1).terminate()      case error: PathError  => ExitStatus.Fail(2).terminate()      case error: IoError    => ExitStatus.Fail(3).terminate()    .within:      Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File])  val data = unsafely([List[Person]])  val mean =  Out.println(t"The average BMI is $mean")

In this example, mend has not really mended anything at all; it just exited the JVM in three different ways. ExitStatus​#​terminate is a method with the return type Nothing (like throwing an exception). But the right-hand side of each case can be any value that conforms to the same type as the body of within. In this example, that’s Json.

We could construct different Json values for each case. But to what end? It only serves to provide a value for the next line, which tries to read it as a List​[​Person​]. If our recovery strategy is to fall back to an empty List, why bother to construct that empty list as a Json value, only to subsequently parse it as Nil? And why go through the motions of calculating an average of zero values when we only wish to inform the user of a problem? There are more useful things we can do with these spare clock cycles!

Instead, let’s bring the calculation of data and mean inside the within block, and have it return a Text value showing the average. Then let’s update the mend cases to provide alternative results—different strings explaining the errors.

Here is the adapted code:

@maindef run(path: Text): Unit = Out.println:  mend:    case error: ParseError => t"There was a parsing error."    case error: PathError  => t"There was a path error."    case error: IoError    => t"There was an I/O error."  .within:    val json = Json.parse(path.decode[Path].as[File])    val data = This expression must still be marked as unsafe because
it raises other errors not covered by the mend cases.unsafely([List[Person])    val mean =    t"The average BMI is $mean"

We have unfinished business with the calculation of data, which is still unsafe. But we have isolated the remaining unsafe expression, and the absence of safety is clearly expressed.

Meanwhile, the three cases in the mend block are a partial function which expresses, just as clearly, the types of the errors that are being handled. Although a macro provides some magic to make everything work, these cases behave like cases in any other match expression. And the error types—ParseError, PathError and IoError—are case classes.

Together, this means we can destructure them with pattern matching, like so:

mend:  case error: ParseError(line, _, _) => t"There was a parsing error.""There was a parsing error at $line."  case error: PathError  (_, reason)   => t"There was a path error.""There was a path error because $reason."  case error: IoError    (_)             => t"There was an I/O error."

This is an elegant and expressive way to handle errors, and is structurally quite similar to a try/catch expression.

But the most critical difference is that the errors are typechecked. Each error type in the mend block is safely handled, and any expression in its within block is allowed to raise one of those error types. Conversely, no expression may raise an error type which is not handled by the surrounding code.

Syntactic Order

However, one curiosity about a mend expression’s structure is that the error handling code appears before the happy path—the opposite order from a try/catch expression. This is an implementation restriction in Scala that constrains what is possible with the mend macro. It requires that the handled error types must be known syntactically prior to the typechecking of the happy path.

It seems unusual in comparison to try/catch, but it’s more consistent with respect to everything else in Scala: on every other occasion, the context that influences the typechecking of an expression is introduced before the expression.

So although the change in order was necessary because it was impossible to replicate the structure of try/catch, we will justify and embrace it on grounds of consistency with the rest of the language.


I have demonstrated a few of the facilities offered by Soundness (in its Contingency module) to handle errors, from the trivial—a global import—through simple delimited error handling with safely and unsafely, to the more precise and explicit mend/within construct.

These building blocks are the first steps in a journey which is taking us from a prototype to something much more robust, resilient and maintainable.

In the next post, I will elaborate further, and explain the features of Scala that make implementation of the Error Management Manifesto possible—context functions and contextual values—and introduce a variation on mend, called tend.