Jon Pretty,

Effective Error Handling


THROUGHOUT THIS SERIES I will explore the state of the art in error handling in Scala 3, built upon the evolution of my own experience of writing direct-style Scala for the last three years, as well as sixteen years of Scala development before that, during which I was never fully satisfied with the state of error handling.

I’ll present a manifesto for library support for idealized error handling, and show how we can get close to achieving it. I’ll present a couple of components of Soundness which make it possible, with a couple of caveats, and show how the future promises to eliminate those caveats.

Our goal is to write code which is expressive and safe, combining to give the programmer superior confidence to read and write code for reliable software, and to maintain that reliability consistently throughout maintenance and change.

This first post sets the scene and establishes the goals, but later posts will dive into more concrete code examples.

Prototypes and Production

What is the difference between prototype- and production-quality software?

Perhaps the biggest difference is how errors are handled. A prototype can crash. And that’s fine because it is only a prototype.

But when it does, we must satisfy ourselves with whatever standard information is revealed in the crash—often just a stack trace—to diagnose the problem, fix the code, the inputs or the environment, and try it again. And we must be content to repeat this as many times as necessary.

But for production software, this is not acceptable: the program must keep calm and carry on in the face of adversity. It must continue reliably and provide a consistent level of service to its audience who are, in general, not developers, and who only have blackbox insight into the problem. They may be able to follow instructions to fix, mitigate or avoid the problem, but they don’t know, and shouldn’t need to know how the software works.

So to bridge the chasm between error and user, the error must be diagnosed in terms that are meaningful and useful for the user, within the application domain.

For example, it should be unacceptable to tell an ordinary user that there has been a buffer overflow, because no ordinary user understands the first thing about buffering. (And even if they did, there is little they could deduce about how to fix it.) But if the user could be told to adjust a system setting to make the buffer overflow less likely, this would be useful and actionable by the user.

Error Handling

When production software deviates from a “happy path”, it needs to find its way back, with or without the user’s involvement, if the goal is to be reached. But before co-opting the user into helping to fix the problem, or even providing them with a meaningful reason why they can’t continue, the software itself must identify each possible error that may occur and present it to the user through some channel so they are aware of the problem.

Error handling code is everything that performs this diagnosis and mitigation. For a prototype in Scala, it might be nothing more than the default handler that catches exceptions thrown in the main method and prints out a stack trace. In this case the entire program is just one single happy path.

But for a complex production system, it’s not unusual for a significant majority of the codebase to be reachable only through error-handling code.

Error-handling code should therefore adhere to the same standards we apply to other code we write: it should be typesafe; impossible states should be unrepresentable; errors should be immutable values.

We should never, for example, have to parse an error message string to identify the nature of the error, or its detail.


Most development starts with a prototype. It may be fragile and bug-ridden, but it’s something for developers to improve iteratively; progressively; continually. (The alternative approach would be to develop the end-product from a blank slate—nothing works until, one day, everything works.)

A gradual approach to software development allows for continual testing, feature development, performance enhancements, and—relevant to us—error handling. It enables these streams of work to be parallelized, and reduces risk.

And the more gradual this development can be, the more flexibility it provides developers to choose which errors to handle and how to handle them.

So it is desirable that a system for handling errors should facilitate incremental error-handling, progressively adding more safety and better diagnosis.

An example trajectory from prototype to production might start with crashing upon every error; then reporting generic failures to the user, without crashing; evolving to presenting precise error diagnostics to the user; before giving the user no more or less informative detail than they need to address the errors they can. Different parts of the code could advance through this trajectory at different times.

What are Errors?

Let’s make it clear what is meant by an error. The term is vague, and especially dependent on context.

Some errors may seem innocuous, like an email address without an @; or catastrophic, like the signal from a satellite in orbit going dead.

An error may be predictable, like a full disk when writing a file, or unpredictable like an out-of-memory error when allocating a new object.

An error may occur frequently, like dropping a network packet in a mobile app, or infrequently like the complete failure of a hard disk.

An error may be diagnosed easily, like input that falls outside an expected range, or less easily, like a bit becoming flipped in transit within a block of binary data.

Some errors may be detected early, like when a stream of data is interrupted. While others may go a long time evading detection, like a null value retrieved from a database, incorrectly stored there, years before.

All of these can be considered errors, though not all are equal. But each is erroneous in its relation to a particular goal; a goal we can’t reach because of the error.

An error, for our purposes, is the manifest inability to reach a goal.


Errors are more general than exceptions, which are just one possible representation for errors on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Exceptions are supported natively in the runtime, with their own dedicated bytecode operations; and also native to the Scala language, through the try, catch and finally keywords.

An exception encodes the execution state at the point of error in the form of a stack trace, and provides good general information about the error’s context, albeit in a form that’s too technical for most end-users. But by default, no incidental state is recorded in an exception, except explicitly in its construction.

Stack Traces

Stack traces are familiar to anyone working with the JVM. They are often a bad sign in production code, because they represent an error which was not handled in some better way, and as a last resort, its stack was printed to logs, or elsewhere.

A stack trace is very useful in a world where expressions compose and methods recurse arbitrarily, because it shows the exact point in the code where the exception was thrown, as well as every method that was started, but not completed, leading up to the error.

If we think of execution as a tree of tasks which delegate to subtasks, and which themselves delegate to further subtasks, a stack trace closely corresponds to the relevant slice of the task tree from inception to the point of failure.

But a stack trace is computationally expensive to construct. It requires strings corresponding to every frame (or method call) in the stack (one hundred stack frames is not atypical) to be constructed with details of the method, source file and line number included in each one.

The cost is not prohibitive for many applications, though: it may be insignificant to a service running on a single machine that isn’t under load. But for a distributed system, under load and making extensive use of exceptions, the construction of their stack traces may represent a significant share of their total computation resources.

To be truly useful for general-purpose and performance-critical representation of errors, exceptions need to be constructable configurably, with or without stack traces.

Checked and unchecked exceptions

Java makes a distinction between checked and unchecked exceptions (represented by subtypes of RuntimeException).

In Java, you are prohibited from calling a method which throws a checked exception unless you explicitly write code to handle or declare that exception type. And unfortunately it offers a misleading amount of additional safety: throwing a checked exception and throwing an unchecked exception abort the happy path equally, so it is no less important to handle unchecked exceptions and no easier to recover from them.

But for convenience, the decision was made for some of the most common exceptions to be unchecked.

The justification for the distinction is that it is cumbersome to write the code to handle exceptions, such as ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. And because we often know, by reasoning about the code in ways that the Java compiler can’t, that it’s not possible such an exception would ever be thrown—and we can convince ourselves that it’s safe.

In Scala, by default, all exceptions are unchecked. This removes the arbitrary distinction, but also removes the remaining safety of “checked” exceptions.

Universal, Unexpected Errors

In reality, any method might fail for reasons we can’t easily predict, such as running out of memory or suffering a power outage. Within an isolated system—a program running on a single computer—we do not have as many ways to recover from such errors in code: often the entire runtime is compromised, and can’t continue. At least, not for long. And they can occur anywhere with little predictability.

On the JVM, this includes exceptions such as OutOfMemoryError, which occurs any time we need to allocate more memory than we have available, and NoSuchMethodException, which is the runtime manifestation of a mistake in the way the application was built or configured; but since it wasn’t already detected before starting the software, we have already missed the easiest opportunity to address it!

So usually, we will do our best to avoid errors like these, by ensuring we run our program on a computer with sufficient memory, and avoiding running it in unusual or untested configurations and environments. And in various other ways for similar errors. But if they do occur while the software is running, we usually have no choice but to give up.

It’s normal to handle them globally, and mitigate their knock-on effects by exiting the application as gracefully as possible. These will be called unexpected errors.

Distributed systems can, however, accommodate unexpected errors. The philosophy endorsed by Akka is let it crash. More specifically, let a single machine crash, but design the rest of the system around that inherent unreliability.

This is good advice, with the proviso that we should still try to avoid any isolated machine within the distributed system from crashing. But the various methods for keeping distributed systems running smoothly and consistently are out of scope for this discussion; we shall constrain ourselves to a single JVM; to keeping isolated systems running smoothly and consistently.


Most errors can be anticipated to some degree. We know that if we try to access a remote URL, it might be unavailable sometimes; and that if we allow a user to type in an email address, we may get a value that isn’t in the right format.

With foresight we can focus our attention on addressing errors precisely where they occur. This ensures that the mitigation of an error—specifically, its diagnosis and recovery—may be more narrow in scope.

Lexical scopes are important because they delimit a working set of values that are relevant to the current point of execution. They nest recursively, so when we enter a new scope, the set of values, methods and capabilities we can access only grows, and when we leave a scope, it shrinks.

This set of values, methods and capabilities in scope mirrors both the need and ability to handle errors.

For example, if a method which raises a DiskError is available in the current scope, then should only be able to call it if we can handle the DiskError it may raise. And likewise, if handling that DiskError uses, for example, a Log instance, then that instance must remain accessible.

Conversely, it would make no sense to have error-handling coverage in a region of the execution path where the partial method is only sometimes accessible, or where the values needed to handle it are only sometimes available.

Therefore, a lexical scope is perfectly congruent with our needs, and facilitates the granular delimitation of a region of code for error handling.


Besides exceptions, there are other ways to represent errors in Scala. We can use monadic types such as Option, Either and Try to encode both successful results and errors using an instance of a single hybrid type that represents either a successful result, or its absence—with a different value representing failure.

There are advantages to working with container types such as these. From the perspective of a runtime like the JVM which has the capability of returning abnormally with exceptions, methods designed to use monadic return values are total: they always return normally with a value and do not throw exceptions. Their errors are values, just like their success results.

It is one of the cornerstones of Functional Programming (FP) that every function (or method) should return a value, so in an FP environment, we can represent all errors as values, and disregard all handling of exceptions.

These types are monadic, which means it is possible to combine them in standard ways, with methods such as map, flatMap and other higher-order combinators like traverse. And Scala provides special syntax, the for and yield keywords, for the most common compositions.


But container types have a significant disadvantage: this composition is neverthelss more complex than before: whereas we could operate directly on the result of a partial method, we can now only do so with the aid of for-comprehensions or additional methods.

So if f and g are partial methods which throw exceptions, we can compose them to call f​(​g​). But if that partiality were encoded using monads, then we have to write f​.​flatMap​(​g​)—and its result must also be mapped or flatMapped accordingly.

Likewise, a​.​b becomes a​.​map​(_.​b​) or a​.​flatMap​(_.​b​).

These two fundamental operations, selection with a . and application with ( and ), are elegant in their levity; a small burden of one or two characters. But that explodes to at least six and upto twelve additional characters when map or flatMap is required.

This is genuine syntactic friction which is paid at every composition site.

But this FP philosophy of representing errors as return values has nonetheless seen widespread adoption, and has been shown to be so beneficial that it has given rise to a wealth of combinators, syntactic machinery and terminology to make code like this easier to work with.

And it’s entirely possible for the Functional style to become natural for an experienced programmer. Though the mental overhead to reading and writing it is real, and that burden falls more heavily on beginners.

Happy Paths

In most programming languages, we use subroutines, which are called methods in Scala. Each method has a goal—to construct a result—and in clear, well-written code, its name typically reflects that goal in some way, and its happy path leads directly to it.

We might think about happy paths in the context of an entire program, or in the finer-grained context of a method. But in the abstract, a program is no different from a method, with inputs and outputs. We can think of a program as just its main method, mutatis mutandis.

The “happiness” of a path is a reflection of the progress of that path towards its nominal goal.

Along the way, the execution path may branch conditionally on the input, and the goal may be reached and a result returned. Or we may be diverted onto an unhappy path, not directly able to return to the happy path that yields success; and the method must exhibit failure in some way.

But an alternative perspective is that the there are no happy or unhappy paths, just different paths; there is no diversion, only conditional branching; there are no success and failure results, only different results; and all routes through the method are equal.

This is an exaggerated view which few programmers would genuinely hold. But FP takes an approach that’s closer to this extreme, by eschewing some language features to favor the desired happy path over the less desirable alternative paths.

Leo Tolstoy didn’t quite say,

“All happy paths are alike; each unhappy path is unhappy in its own way.”

but the Anna Karenina Principle nevertheless states that:

A deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms an endeavor to failure.

There are many ways to deviate from happy path, but there is only one way to reach the end goal. The happy path is the unique route which chains together an uninterrupted sequence of successes to get there.

And this distinction is significant. The happy path is distinguished from the others because it’s unique. And for the clarity of the programmer who writes the code, and for their coworker who reads it later, the code’s structure should reflect its privileged status in making progress towards the goal, expressed through the name of the method.

The use of exceptions to represent diversions onto an unhappy path is consistent with this: they are intended to represent exceptional cases, with their own exit routes from a method, leaving the full bandwidth of the method’s return type to be devoted to the success value.

This is the essence of direct-style Scala.

The Solution

It would be easy to conclude that we must choose between composable but unsafe code, and safe but verbose code. Through a combination of features in Scala 3, this is now a false dichotomy: composable and safe code is within reach, without compromises.

The rest of this series will describe the full expressivity, composibility, safety and power of direct-style Scala.

Having set the stage, the next post will present a manifesto that encapsulates our error-handling needs.